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Quail Eggs

**its nutritional value is four times as much as regular chicken eggs. ** Despite the small size of the quail eggs, its nutritional value is four times the amount of chicken eggs, characterized as low in calories, no Carbohydrates, rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins (, D, C, A, B12, B6, B2, B1, and E), antioxidants (folic and choline), fatty amino acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron, Phosphorus and Zinc). A quail eggs contribute in improving brain development of children and fetuses, fights aging, give skin health and freshness, helps in healing from cancer and fight many other diseases, such as: diabetes, heart diseases, kidney stones, ulcers, anemia, asthma and Alzheimer's. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**